[entity] RadiusDamage( <origin>, <range>, <max damage>, <min damage>, [attacker], [sMeansOfDeath], [sWeapon] )

Module: Damage


Does damage to all damageable objects within a given radius. The amount of damage is linear according to how close the object is to the radius.


self radiusDamage(self.origin,500,200,20,self,"MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH","rpg_mp" );

Required Args:

  • 1 : <origin> The centre of the damage.
  • 2 : <range> The radius of the damage done.
  • 3 : <max damage> The maximum damage done. This will be done to objects close to the origin
  • 4 : <min damage> The minimum damage done. This will be done to objects at the edge of the damage sphere.

Optional Args

  • 1 : [entity] The inflictor, sets where the damage is coming from, this entity also doesnt get effected by the radius damage.
  • 2 : [attacker] The attacker. Defaults to world.
  • 3 : [sMeansOfDeath] Means of death, like MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH and MOD_GRENADE.
  • 4 : [sWeapon] Weapon that caused the damage.